Our Training Department promotes the following reasons for you to consider using the Map/Radius Search for geographically narrowing comparables for your CMA, rather than using the Map Coordinates:
- Map coordinates are often entered into listings by MLS Subscribers incorrectly (i.e. wrong letter coordinate, wrong number coordinate)–this can make ineligible listings (due to their actual location) appear as though they are comparables for your CMA (or vice versa).
- Using map coordinates doesn’t guarantee all matches found are actually within a 1-mile radius of the subject property.
- The Map/Radius search allows subscribers to pull all matches within a 1-mile radius based on the actual latitude & longitude geocodes – technology that was not available to us when the old Map Coordinates were originally created.
We encourage you to try some comparison searches using each method and see for yourself which one delivers more accurate results.
Additionally, we suggest that you take a few moments to view our Map Search webinar for additional information and tips.
We believe you will be glad you did!