The REALTOR® (Agent Only) Remarks field is designated for personal information that is not permitted in the content of listings, photos, and/or virtual tours. (Example: A website link or phone number cannot display on the listing photo, virtual tour, or public remarks, but can be entered in the REALTOR® Remarks field.)
Photos and virtual tours may show the brokerage sign in the yard. However, the sign cannot be the focus of the photo.
Examples of "personal information" include:
- Email addresses
- Phone number
- Fax number
- Any website URLs, including HUD, Ebay, and virtual tour links (NOTE: virtual tour links should be added in the virtual tour section under input)
- Model information, including dates, times and hours
- Open house and tour information. including dates, times, and hours
- Agent names
- Office/Agent logos or slogans
- Auction information, including auction dates and/or times and/or location
If you have any questions, please contact the Realcomp Customer Care department at 866-553-3430. We thank you for your cooperation and assistance.