Listing Submission Service

Realcomp offers Listing Submission as a service to Michigan REALTORS® who are not subscribers of Realcomp. This not only benefits you in promoting your listings to Realcomp REALTORS®, but it also benefits our subscribers by increasing their access to on-market inventory through their MLS. Our Listing Submission fees are as follows based on your REALTOR® membership standing:

Are you a Michigan REALTOR®?
 Are you affiliated
with a Board/Association
in the State of Michigan?
MLS Participation
Submission Fee
 Listing Submission Forms
 Yes  Yes Other MLS

Listing Submission Form



Simply contact Realcomp's Customer Care Support Department at (866) 553-3430 to get started submitting your listing(s) to Realcomp.

If you are a Realcomp REALTOR® and are interested in submitting a listing to any of Realcomp's current Data Sharing Partners, please contact those MLS organizations directly regarding their fees and forms.


Realcomp's Profile Forms (Revised October 2024)

Business Opportunity Listing Form

Commercial Lease Listing Form

Commercial Sale Listing Form

Land Lease Listing Form

Land Listing Form

Residential Lease Listing Form

Residential Sale Listing Form

Residential Income Listing Form

Last Modified: Monday, October 21, 2024